Environment variables can be set at two levels. The Environment or the Stack.

Environment Level Environment Variables

When setting environment variables at this level. Any stack created in this environment will consume these environment variables. This is useful if you have some common variables that will be the same across stacks in the environment.

To add variables at the environment level:

  1. Go to the environment view.
  2. Click the Environment variables tab.
  3. Make changes.
  4. Click Save Changes
  5. This will kickoff a deployment and your changes will go live shortly.

Stack Level Environment Variables

Note: You can override variables at the Environment level within a Stack.

When setting environment variables at this level. These variables will only be available to individual stack and not the rest of the stacks in the environment.

To add variables at the stack level:

  1. Go to the stack view.
  2. Click the Environment variables tab.
  3. Make changes.
  4. Click Save Changes
  5. This will kickoff a deployment and your changes will go live shortly.